Friday, October 22, 2010


...Do you need to be hand-led to the secrets of MLM wealth code?
If your answer to the above question is YES, then you need to acquire the DNA for wealth creation...follow me
Define "what do you want and WHY?"
Why will you become involved with a business plan that will guarantee you SURE SUCCESS?
There must be something you want?
• Money, wealth, financial freedom. . . ?
• More time, freedom, more lifestyle choices. . . ?
• Travel more, new car, new house, a boat. . . ?
• Meet positive people, experience personal growth. . . ?

Maybe you are not sure what you want?
Think about what you would like to HAVE, DO and BECOME as a person in the next 12 months, the next 5 years, in your lifetime!
Then ask yourself, WHY do I want those things and HOW bad do I want it?
If the WHY is big enough then the HOW will show up!
Define what you want. Write it down, take pictures of it, get the senses involved.
For example if it is a new car, go and test drive the EXACT model you want, act like you are putting in the order and fully intend to collect the car in the near future.
Maybe a new Maserati. . . my personal favourite!
What color would it be? Would it have leather seats? Would you add mag wheels?
Smell the leather, feel the way it drives, and listen to the sound of the engine. Take photos of you with the car sitting in the car, driving it, enjoying it. Go to the website of the car manufacturer and download the screensavers, subscribe to their newsletters, go along to launches of the new models.
Now every day you can visualize yourself driving that car and reconnect with the experiences of your test drive.
Be very SPECIFIC and BELIEVE you deserve it.
To help you understand how to attract to you what you want from life there are some great DVDs and books. A very popular one is "The Secret".
Now you have defined what it is you want and WHY you will have the self motivation to commit the time to an action plan to make it a reality.
Dear Friend,
If you really want to break the MLMwealth code, then welcome on board to
For more details SMS,
BWC*your name*mobile number*email*location To +07055333000
Example BWC*Tom*2348063768873**Lagos

If you are on, my username is uche.udembaozoh

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